gigaaa | Plug-in & Console
Digital Product UI/UX Design

all products and promotional materials are designed in 5 languages
AI-Powered Customer Communication : gigaaa Plug-in for Websites and Mobile Apps.
Duration: 3 years - present (3 sprints design+development)
Project Debriefed by: Business Development Team + CEO
Team: Business development team (Elif Uzun, Banu Demiroz), Product Development team (Simay Esmek, PM Iclal Keskin, PO Henrik Preget)
Project Brief: Design a chatbot to host our services
Design Challange: Designing a minimal, easy to customize, modern looking plug-in that can work with all of the clients' CI and automate the plug-in generation process for clients with no prior code knowledge.
HMW: How might we make the process easier for our technologically challenging clients and our busy team with a user friendly, simple product.
My Roles:
•Design Research
•Concept Generation
•Persona Generation
•Integration (with console project)
•Interface Design & Demo
•Developer handover
•Internal Testing
•Final Pitching
Tools Used: Adobe: Xd, After Effects, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, Media Encoder, Indesign, Figma, Miro, Keynote, Gitlab...
🗺 01 Discover

📌 02 Define
Problems Overview
Difficult to customize, complex designs
that does not adapt to clients' Corporate ID
Difficult to manage, create and expand
custom voice services by clients with no prior
background in coding
Having no available services or templates
(the need to develop everthing from the ground)
Designing a minimal, easy to customize, modern looking plug-in that can work with all of the clients' CI
a zero code platform (gigaaa Console) where they can create custom voice services & customize their plug-in without any code knowledge.
and a library with prebuilt services and solutions to create custom plug-in without a hassle.
possibility to offer base gigaaa services like navigation, weather.. for their customers for free.

Designing a minimal, easy to customize, modern looking plug-in that can work with all of the clients' CI
a zero code platform (gigaaa Console) where they can create custom voice services & customize their plug-in without any code knowledge.
and a library with prebuilt services and solutions to create custom plug-in without a hassle.
possibility to offer base gigaaa services like navigation, weather.. for their customers for free.
💡03 Ideate
gigaaa Console
Web Platform
gigaaa Service Store
gigaaa Services
Your Custom
Creating the
Web Plug-in
(Browser & Mobile)
Mobile Plug-in
For applications
Zero Code Knowledge Needed (B2B Side)

registration requirements

Workplace, Environment, Services Context

Adding people to your environment and workplace

Overall Integrations Architecture and Extra Features

and requirements / features

Personal billing and plans

from businesses and agencies (referral)

gigaaa Console Touchpoint for Creating the Plug-in
Add and create plug-in in 6 languages (currently English, Spanish, German, Turkish and Arabic)
Setup welcome service and custom texts and fields and customize VUI within the given frame.

🧩 04 Prototype

🛠 05 Test, Iterate & Ideate

One Design 40+ Clients
A Chatbot that is Fully Customizable
and No Code Platform to Create Unique Chatbots and Custom Services